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Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship FAQ's

Q: May the scholarship be used for a young woman who wants to learn to fly gliders or a balloon? 


A: Yes, provided that the flight training is for an initial pilot’s license and not an add-on or an additional rating for an applicant who holds a pilot’s license for another category or class.


Q: May the scholarship be used to obtain a Certified Remote Pilot Certificate? 


A: No.


Q: May I use part or all of the scholarship funds for an advanced rating?


A: No. The scholarship funds may only be used for flight training for an initial pilot's license.


Q: May I use the scholarship funds for past training? 


A: No. The scholarship funds may only be used for flight training for an initial pilot license undertaken AFTER the application is submitted. The funds will be disbursed to the instructor or flight school where the applicant takes her training.


Q: I am 22 years old and will be 23 in August 2024; may I apply for this scholarship? 


A: No, the applicant must be 16-20 years of age at some time during 2024.


Q: I just heard about the scholarship. May I get an extension beyond July 1 to file an application? 


A: No, applications must be submitted by midnight Pacific Daylight Time July 1, 2024.


Q: My essay is 504 words. Is that okay?


A: No. Your essay may not exceed 500 words. Essays longer than 500 words will not be considered. 


Q:  Do I need to be a member of the Ninety-Nines to apply for this scholarship? 


A:  No.  However, the winner must join the 99s as a student pilot prior to receiving scholarship funds.


Q: Does the applicant have to be present in Oshkosh to win the scholarship? 


A: No. We have applicants who live in all parts of the country and overseas and the winner does not need to be present in Oshkosh to accept the award. 


Q: I have already soloed. Can I still apply?  


A: Yes, but the scholarship funds may only be used for an initial pilot rating.  Be sure to include your flight training to date in your essay.


Q: I have a glider license.  May I use the Solo Scholarship for my PPL training?


A:  No.  The Solo Scholarship may only be used for training for an initial rating.


Q: Do I have to be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply?


A: No.